Bangladesh is not only a land of rivers and rivulets
but also a land of festivals and fairs. as proverb goes, "there are
thirteen festivals in a circle of twelve months". According to
Charles Metcalte:
The village communities are little Republics having
nearly everything they want within themselves, and almost independent of
any foreign relations. They seem to last where nothing else lasts. Dynasty
after dynasty tumbles down... evolution succeeds to revolution. But the
village communities remain the same... (Twilight of the Mughals,
Cambridge, p. 117).
Almost in all villages, markets or even under a banyan
tree, we had invariably a fair (mela) where all the village folks will
assemble with their eternal rejoicing, amidst music and merriment and what
If we start with Baishak, the first month of the
Bengali year (April-May) we have Naba-Barsha, the happy Bengali New Year,
reverberated with songs, dances, regional games, kite-flying-ox, fighting
or reciting of poems with all their regional traits and festivity. Even
before the Naba-Barsha, we have Chaitra-Sankranti, the last day of the
last month of the Bengali Year, which bids farewell to the past year with
equal festivity. The rural areas now echo not only with the sound of drum
and merrymaking but also with festive village fairs where one can buy
household to all kinds of folk-arts and crafts made by the village or folk
Naba-Barsha, now-a-days, has become an important and
one of the popular festivals in city and metropolitan areas as well, where
along with the various festivities, book exhibitions have also gained much
popularity. This Naba-Barsha being a secular festival, is also popular
among the tribal people in the Hill areas.
Other prominent festivals are Idul-Fitr, after Ramzan,
the holy month of fasting, the first day of the Islamic month Shawal
(April), Idul, Azha, in the Islamic month Zilhaj; Moharram in the Holy
month of Moharram; among the Hindus-Durga-Puja: Rath Jatra; Jhulan; Gajon;
Charak; Dole; Nabami; Ashtami; Baruni; Maghi-Purnima: among the
Buddhists-Buddha Purnima and many others are celebrated. Fairs used to
take place also in the shrines or Darghas of religious spiritual mystic
personalities such as Gazi-Pir, Hazrat Shah Jalal (R.A.), Lalan Shah,
Hasan Raja, Pagla Kanai and many others. We had fairs exclusively with
local products, boat race, horse race and such others, as well.
C.A. Bentley, M.B.. D.P.H., Director of Public Health,
Bengal, Calcutta, in his book Fairs and Festivals in Bengal (1920),
divided all the fairs into two categories: (1) Permanent Fairs, where
fairs and festivals are held permanently each year, and (2) temporary
fairs; where in any place of a locality or a bazar fairs can take place
and the same venue may also be changed the following year or years. He
wrote that there were as many as 7,000 melas, both permanent and
temporary, then.
According to Bentley in some of the these fairs, the
number of people assembled were from five hundred to even five thousand.
It cannot be denied that fairs or festivals which used
to take place one hundred years ago or so, by this time, in many places
have changed their initial character. In some places fairs of those good
old days are not held at all. Nevertheless, even today, however, as we
find from various reports, the number of fairs range as follows:
Dhaka Division-339, Chittagong-221; Rajahshi-324; and
Khulna-130. Al these fairs and festivals usually included the holy
occasions mentioned above. Some new items were also added in some places.
We can here, in short, name some of these fairs which are held in the
Dhaka District only. These are:
Barani; Dole-Purnima: Chaitra-Sankranti; Naba-barsha;
Snan; Holy bath in the rivers, Rash Jatra; Mahanam-Kirtan, Kali Puja,
Bishnu Priya Festivals: Loknath Festival, Oras; Maghi-Purnima,
Maghi-Saptami, Baulmel Keshab Pagaler Mela, Moharrum; Durga Puja;
Pous-Sankranti; Dole-Jatra: Poush Mela, Ratha-Jata; Biswakarma Puja.
Jhulan; Idul Fitr: Idul Zoha. and many others.
According to the District Gazetters: Now-a-days fairs
and melas assume more of commercial importance since traders utilise the
opportunity of these occasions of social gatherings to dispose of their
goods. Such gatherings which occur several times a year serve to boost
business of the small traders and village hawkers- it combines
entertainments with business..
In recent months I participated in some of those fairs
e.g. Lalan Mela (Kushtia), Hasan Raja Mela (Sunamganj), Netrakona Poush
Mela (Netrokona) and lastly in Rangpur Poush Mela. Selling of handicrafts,
cottage industry products, toys, countrymade clothes, satranchis. home
procured honey, folk instruments and varieties of regional sweets even
pithas (cakes) attracted people from all walks of life. It seemed that
"they are in it". I was much surprised to see that folk arts and
crafts which were popular for thousands of years, are no less attractive,
even to-day, under the dazzling neon lights.
The history of Rangpur Poush Mela, like many others,
has a long antiquity as well as tradition. We came to know that the
Maharaja of Tazhat (Rangpur) even before the partition (1947) used to
invite His Excellency the Viceroy of Bengal with Her Excellency, all the
Maharajas and Zemindars of adjacent States and a large procession with as
many as fifty elephants and horses would proceed towards the venue of
Poush Mela. Similar Melas took place in Naba Barsha also. There was
reverberated amusements with regional songs and dances, which the
honourable invitees enjoyed with great applause. This Melas remained open
for days and weeks, even for a month.
We heard that from horses to elephants were also sold
among many other merchandise in some of these melas. Our recent visits to
these Mela were not unpaying. We saw hundreds and thousands of people from
all walks of life coming and buying household materials from bags to
bangles from plates to sweets and what not! The entire Mela ground, as if,
was humming with the sounds of folks and songs of folk singers. The BSCIC,
who are cooperating with these fairs, we believe, has a great role to
play. They can patronise the poor craftsmen with financial assistance
through the Grameen Bank and also encourage them to follow the new designs
that they have been developing. We hope that BSCIC will continue their
good efforts to revive the age-old tradition of our motherland in
cooperation with the artists, who blossom like unknown flowers who are
gifted but less known to the world outside.