Of Land And Its Socio-Economic Consequences
Shamsul Alam
Use of land resource
currently faces several problems like declining soil fertility owing to land
degradation and shrinking of net sown area that have important socio-economic
Soil quality has been
continuously declining in Bangladesh mainly owing to high population pressure on
land, people tend to exploit the soils as much as possible rather than
maintaining them in good quality. Bangladesh is predominantly a mono-crop (rice)
agricultural country. Rice covers 76 percent of the total arable land. Higher
techno-biological researches favour more intensive cultivation of rice crop in
the country. This affects exhaustion of specific soil nutrients and makes the
soil barren or low productive.
in Bangladesh use fertilizer indiscriminately without adequate information
concerning actual soil/plant requirements. Imbalance use of chemical fertilizers
hinders plant nutrient uptake and thus affect not only yield level but inflicts
detrimental effects on soil quality and texture.
our country not only the edible portion (grain) of crops is harvested but also
the straw is collected for fuel or fodder. The stubble is grazed or uprooted for
fuel. The result is that the soils are low in organic matter (in most soils less
than 1.5%, where 3% is required for optimum plant growth) and in nutrients. With
this changes in river courses, breaking of embankments roads, polders and bunds
due to high flooding/human encroachment submerge the topsil by deposition of
sandy over wash and make the soils barren or low productive. Extensive use of
polymer/polypropylene bags and spreading of those through flowing waters to the
fields also is becoming a long-term threat to land quality and soil
productivity. Moderate to severe erosion is observed in the hill farming areas
because of faulty management practices. Degradation of the soil resource is
enormous because of the continuous removal of topsil and exposure of unstable
sub soil to rain drop impact (hill and terrace soils represent 20% of the
country’s soil resource and 8-10% of the cultivable land). Other natural
hazards like salinity deteriorates soil fertility. This problem is more acute in
Khulna, Satkhira and parts of Patuakhali districts. Exhaustive upstream water
withdrawal for irrigation of Rabi crops make the salinity situation worse every
year. Acid-rain as a consequence of extreme air pollution is also causing
changes in chemical properties of soil and water.
to the availability of more flood free areas (as a result of embankments and
flood protection measures), development of arterial and feeder roads, growth
centres and establishment of industrial estates accentuate re-settlement of
households which make cultivable land area reduced in the country (around one
percent each year).
area cultivated decreased by about 12% from 8.2 million hectares in 1983/84 to
7.2 million hectares in 1996. On an average, 1 percent of the total cultivable
land is going out of cultivation in the country for non-farms uses that have
negative impacts on food supply and on agricultural growth. Consequently, there
has been a significant decline in the average size of farm holding (per
household) from 1.27 ha to presently 0.82 ha over the period.
the years, cropping patterns have changed significantly due to changes in
economic and non-economic factors. Economic factors for cropping pattern changes
are; relative change in output prices, change in cost structure of production
and increasing marketing accessibility of products. Non-economic factors
responsible for cropping pattern changes are; land degradation, change in crop
cultivars, and long-term change in climate pattern, advancement in technology of
production, development of processing industries and changing soil
characteristics in the country. It has been observed pattern has shifted towards
high value crops like vegetables, soil seeds and fruits, and crops with advance
technology of production (rice, potato and wheat). But with this, prospect of
diversified agriculture is reduced affecting nutritional status of the populace.
of socio-economic consequences of land degradation and changes in land use
pattern could be of different dimensions as of land degradation reduces soil
fertility that in turn has negative trends in agricultural productivity. Yield
increase of HYV (rices) have already been slowed down or stagnated. Prospect of
expansion of hybrid rice is yet bleak. Crop production activities could be less
profitable or more expensive to pursue, as profession. Marginal households are
on pressure to leave agricultural sector. Out-migration from rural areas has
enhanced. Congestion in urban areas has already been tremendous and unbearable.
Congestion and overcrowding of population inflict multi-dimensional problems in
urban areas including the law and order situation.
in cropping pattern may not be able to circumvent the declining soil quality in
the long term. Changes in cropping pattern may have impacts on profitability for
some crops in the short-term but total value of agricultural productivity may
not be increased in the course of declining product prices and declining yield
levels in the long-run. Declining cultivable areas with increasing demand for
agricultural land create tensions among the farming communities with land
ownership and unscrupulous little change. Intensifying land use may cause
deforestation, fragmentation of ecosystems, blockaded of water streams,
encouraging monocultures and excessive applications of agrochemicals.
re-settlement or new settlement on the agricultural lands accentuated severity
of floods and waste of scarce land resources. Declining land
quality/productivity reduced the quality of lives of the habitats on it on many
counts and in interactive ways. Reducing biodiversity poses a threat to
ecological balance.
and planned steps are to be taken to halt land degradation process in the
country with utmost urgency. Bangladesh Agricultural Research /Council (BARC)
should come forward with the broad policy measures and prioritize research areas
towards dealing with stopping land degradation process. Ministry of Agriculture
through DAE (Department of Agricultural Extension) should augment the efforts
and measures for crop cultivation diversification and extensive use of green
manuares, Use of polymer and polypropylene bags need to be restricted and
ultimately stopped in the country emphasising using bags/carriers of natural
fibres, Air-pollution creating sources need (including motorised vehicals) to e
identified and must be reduced/stopped.
author is an Agricultural Economist and a Professor of Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh)
Source: The Bangladesh Observer, June 10, 2001